
The Bible says, “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”  (2 Timothy 2:15)  The purpose of this site is threefold:

  1. To help Christians to study the Bible (which is God’s desire)
  2. To rightly divide the truths of the Bible (proper interpretation)
  3. To apply the Bible’s teachings to everyday life and current events (being a good “workman”).

Comments and suggestions can be sent to editor@thewordoftruth.org.

About the Editor

Scott Gibson has taught Bible studies for over 30 years.  He holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems and a Master of Divinity degree.  In 2001, he was ordained to the Gospel ministry.

He has served vocationally in both church and secular positions.  He currently oversees information technology for a manufacturing company.  In his local church, he works with youth and music ministries.  In addition to serving in a local church, he writes Bible lessons as a consultant for the Local Church Ministries division of Word of Life International. 

He loves sports, especially football.  His interests include computer technology, website development, history, current events, and a strange fascination with theoretical physics and its relationship to biblical cosmology.

He and his wife have been married for 36 years and live near Batavia, OH.  They have 7 adult and 1 high-school student.

Scott is available for speaking/teaching engagements.  His favorite biblical topics include defending the faith (apologetics), prophecy/future events, Christian living, discipleship, and those books of the Bible which people rarely mention–also known as the Minor Prophets (when was the last time you heard a sermon on Obadiah??).  He has also spoken on such timely topics as computer security, privacy, online predators, and social media use from a Christian perspective.  Contact him at scottg@thewordoftruth.org.