Tag Archives: science
Neanderthals Were Human After All
Creationists have been saying for years that Neanderthals are human. The scientific community is following suit.
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Bird with Long Tail Feathers Wows Scientists
Scientists find a fossil of what looks like a hummingbird with elongated feathers and they pronounce that it’s 115 million years old. Birds like this exist today (such as the male Anna’s Hummingbird). Regardless, we get pabulum like this:
“These are weird feathers that occur in extinct birds,” said Richard Prum, a professor of ornithology at Yale University who was not involved with the study. “But they’re on a separate line. They have nothing to do with modern feathers. It’s fascinating.”