Forgiving Sins, Healing the Lame

Based on their faith, Jesus pronounced the lame man’s sins to be forgiven. (vs. 20) This is interesting, because that’s not why they brought him. (vv. 17-18) However, forgiveness of sins is the ultimate need of everyone and therefore was Jesus’ priority. Therefore, Jesus takes care of that first.

The scribes and Pharisees quickly object to this. (vs. 21) However, they correctly identify that only God can forgive sins. And that is the basis of their objection—they didn’t see Jesus as God.

Verse 22 states that Jesus perceived their thoughts. This is another example of Jesus’ divinity. Who could know someone’s thoughts except God?

Jesus then reasons with them and demonstrates His divine power by performing a miracle by healing the man. (vs. 24) The man is healed and glorifies God. (vs. 25)

So in this passage of Scripture, we see three demonstrations of Jesus’ divine nature. First, He forgives sins. Second, He knows the thoughts of others. Third, He confirms His divine power to forgive sins by healing the lame man. Jesus is truly God.